Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 5 Take a Stand

Week 5 Take a Stand

Q 1. To what extent should race be used as a “plus factor” to promote racial diversity and viewpoint, if at all ? Is the “top 10 percent plan” a better approach? 2. Think of your own experience in high school and college. Has racial diversity contributed to viewpoint diversity?

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The Supreme Court has thoroughly endorsed the idea of race as a plus factor because it was also approved by many law states giving them analysis regarding the upheld practice. The ten percent plan automatically creates a holistic approach by revising the plans that were there from the very beginning. It enters a diverse zone altogether allowing the frequency to appear that evaluates the records , and validates thus race as a plus factor. Probing the Stance that diversity is essential and that it was diversity that is essential to learning.